Dysfunctional Product Design

As a Product Designer and Senior 3D Artist with more than 10 years of experience, I’m very frustrated with D5 Render’s UX/UI development. Our team currently uses Enscape for rendering, and as the Team Leader I really want our team to switch to D5 Render but the counter-intuitive approach to some settings and features is stopping us from going deeper into this.

Case in point: Adjusting camera location values, while viewing through the camera in 2-point perspective view does not work: Video Link on Imgur

Moreover, fiddling with the Y value messes up the view completely and you cannot restore it.

The user should still be able to adjust Camera positions while in 2-point perspective mode. There’s no reason for this feature not to work.

Apart from this there’s a multitude of other Software/Product Design related issues and bad designs with the D5 Render program:

  • Changing and adjusting light sources in D5 doesn’t retrosync the action with the host program

  • A recovered file after a host-program crash is not linking correctly to the separately pre-saved D5 file

  • UI Design readability and hierarchy contrast issues:


  • The Material Editor is cramped into the side panel with very limited space for working. It requires its own separate window like Enscape.

  • Some icons don’t clearly show whether the feature is on or off:


Please take this objective feedback not as criticism, but rather as genuine desire to help perfect this software and bring it to a professional level. In the current growing market it’s important to make the correct decisions regarding Product UX/UI Design. I’d be happy to discuss these and offer my solutions further with the D5 product management team, if you’d be interested. Feel free to reach out if that’s the case.

Hi there,

thank you! We really appreciate you highlighting these UI/UX points. We’re working on making things smoother and more intuitive, and your input is a huge help. In fact, when D5 was still starting a lot of designers gave us points and were kind enough to annotate portions of the application that needed to be improved.

If you wish to have more UI/UX Related suggestions feel free to indicate them here on our Forum or send us an email: support@d5techs.com

Additionally, issues and bugs are inevitable and we would gladly acknowledge and report these problems for us to repair them as soon as possible.

  • Using the Advanced Camera Widget then changing to Two-point Perspective – I have replicated this issue on my end and is evident. The issue has already been reported to our system and will be fixed as soon as possible. As for the workaround, you may need to adjust these points via WASD keys

  • Light sources in D5 don’t retrosync the action with the host program – Currently, we have yet to support this function. I think this is because D5 Render is relatively heavier compared to Enscape. Constantly syncing every change in D5 back to the host program would be incredibly resource-intensive and could slow down both applications significantly. Nevertheless, we will keep this suggestion in mind and see what we can do in our future release.

  • Recovered file after a host-program crash is not linking correctly to the separately pre-saved D5 file – Can you elaborate on this issue further? If the crash occurred in the 3d Modeling Software, and the changes made were not saved, after you have reopened it and activated the live-sync plug-in again it will follow as to how it looks like on the host software.

  • Lastly, as for the Dynamic icon – When you click the icon, does it change? A running person icon signifies that all Dynamic Assets are in motion, whereas a still person icon indicates that they are stationary.