Does D5 Render support animations in Cinema 4D?

Hey there,

If I create a Mograph animation in Cinema 4D, including growth/sweep animation, particle effects, liquid/cloth simulation - will D5 Render be able to render the animations? Or will it ignore/skip them?

Asking to understand how developed D5 Render is for Cinema 4d.
Thank you.

i think u have to bake it and export this anim in Alembic

Hello! At present C4D animations can’t be directly synced with plugins. Now you can sync C4D camera movement with the plugin.C4D animation can be exported to abc and then imported to D5.This post is a tutorial on how to export abc and import to D5,you can refer to it.
Turorial | how to export .abc file - Get Help / How to - D5 RENDER FORUM