Hi, is there a way to specify, where the cache-file is stored? We use a NAS, but since deleted files are put to the recycle bin the deleted D5-caches end up consuming terrabytes of space pretty fast…
So ideally, we would like to have the main file on the NAS/Server, but the cache file on a local computer
which specific files were deleted? (If it’s hard to describe, you can show a screenshot.)
“the deleted D5-caches end up consuming terrabytes……”Which path is the newly generated cache file in exactly?
Is it C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\temp\D5?
-This path is for temporary file storage.
It is typically the location where materials and other information are placed in a newly created D5 scene that has not been saved.
When D5 is restarted, files under this path will automatically be deleted(if the D5 scene is saved, the corresponding files in the temp path will be automatically moved out to the file where the D5 scene is located).
Therefore, if there are many files in the C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\temp\D5 , it may be that D5 has not been opened since then or the user environment causes insufficient D5 permissions (or the system has enabled the cache/protection mechanism)
Hi, Thanks - the issue ist, that we set the Assets Storage in the Preference/General to our Network Drive P:/…/, so that the materials etc. are accessible by everyone and also automatically backed up (by our system) - the problem is, that when the temporary file (which can be like 1GB) is deleted in the course of the next render, it is deleted, but since deleted files on the NAS are put into the Recycle Folder, the Recycle folder gets huge. The solution for us would be to be able to set two locations - one for temporary files (on the local drive) and one for the assets (Materials etc.) etc., so they can be shared by every coworker
I’m sorry, but I haven’t received a response from the Dev team regarding your issue. Currently, there’s no definite file location set up for the file cache folder. We might consider implementing this in a future update so that users have more freedom to clean up and restore temporary files. As an alternative solution, I suggest always cleaning up the recycle bin every time we delete something from the main file.
Thank you for your patience and understanding D5 Render