D5 & Sketchup Lags

I noticed a malfunction that I wanted to report. I have been using the D5 render software for 2 years for my photo-realistic renderings in my various projects.
For the last 6 months or so I’ve noticed a serious lag in D5 if several Sketchup windows are open at the same time (even if they’re empty). When 1 Sketchup window is open, D5 works perfectly. When 2 Sketchup windows are open, D5 starts to slow down. When 3 or more windows are open, D5 becomes almost impracticable. If there are more than 3, D5 can no longer be used correctly.
My resources are sufficient (64 GB RAM, RTX4070, i7 13700H) and this problem didn’t exist for me before.
It would be good to see how to solve this problem and perhaps contact Sketchup directly.
Wishing you a very good day,

I’m experiencing a jerking that I’ve never had before.
All motion controls, for example, zoom, sliding movements as well as switching scenes in Sketchup with synchronization work smoothly and great.

However, if I zoom, sliding movements as well as switching scenes directly in the D5, it jerks extremely.

Before, my resources were sufficient up to version D5 2.8. (Laptop 2022 with 64 GB RAM, RTX2070, i7-9750 CPU@2.60GHz)

Now it’s very difficult to edit in the D5.
However, after 2 years, I won’t buy a new laptop.

Happy holidays

Hi @Thiass @dadi

I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. Which SketchUp Version are you using? Which Live-sync version (Please also share a screenshot for your live-sync version)?

Please send us the following information, while opening these files where the problem was evident (especially for VRAM Usage).

Thank you.

Hi there,

May I know if were there any specific steps that I missed? I tried to recreate the issue on my end by following your instructions. I have only live-synced one SketchUp file and proceeded to open 2 empty SketchUp files.

I forget that I have already mentioned this problem not solved in previous post with all the details. I invite you to visit this page containing all the informations,
D5 laggy, help please.

Hi there,

I was able to go over the similar/related issue that you have experienced before, and I do have several questions to ask. Also, It seems that this issue persists only in your PC Environment considering that you have tested it using another device.

As you have mentioned before, you were able to the root cause of this issue which is related to your installed SketchUp Plug-ins.

Hi there,
Thanks a lot for your answer and treatment.
I will manage to re-install properly D5 render and will advise when done of the result that will certainly solve the issue.
Merry Christmas

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Hi @clovisbolasco14 , I did the re-install of D5 as mentionned but did not solve the problem.
Without any synchronisation, I start opening a D5 project I have (+/- simple) with 4 different Sketchup files open. Result is the same, 4 active sketchup files result to an unpracticable D5. I close 1, D5 react better but still not good, then I close a 2de one, D5 better but not fluent … and when I finish with only 1 Sketchup file open, D5 works perfectly.
Please note that I made this test with Studio and GameReady Nvidia last drivers.
Thanks in advance for your help

Hi there,

Thank you for these updates. May I know your VRAM Statistics if you are opening these 4 SketchUp Files? You may use GPU-Z for more accurate results. We also request and suggest that you to screen-record the whole process and send the video to us either by link or private message.

It is also worth knowing that opening 4 SketchUp files will surely have a greater VRAM Consumption and on top of that opening D5 Render. If these 4 SKP files being simultaneously opened is essential to your workflow, I suggest importing the other files as .d5a (if it is possible for you). Looking forward to your response, thank you.

Hi there,
I just send you a private message with elements requested.
thank you

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It is expected for FPS to decrease and resource usage to increase when multiple model files are open simultaneously. Running several model files in real-time consumes significant resources, so experiencing some lag is within expectations. We recommend avoiding the simultaneous opening of multiple model files with real-time sync activated. You may consider switching to single-send mode.

  • If there are any issues experienced despite optimizing the file and following the recommended workflow, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you

I repeat that I do not activate real-time sync :frowning: The problem come from other part