D5 renders shows AMD RX 7900 GRE like Standard and present low performance in scenes

**D5 Render Version: 2.10
**Graphics Card: AMD RX 7900 GRE 16 GB VRAM
**Driver Version: 32.0.13031.3015
**Issue Description: The System information shows me as Standard my graphic card same the drivers, the drivers are the latest.
**Screenshots/Videos Description:

**Steps to Reproduce (optional):

  • Start D5 render

  • Open any scene

  • Navigate into the project (make changes)

  • Make render image

  • Render Time to Exterior 01 its 03:15

  • Observe the performance in real time its low and fps drops abruptly. The program use the 16 gb vram entire and the use of gpu is 100%

its any improve to make a better performance in this GPU??

Hi @ronaldo81624

GPU performance in D5 Render is highly dependent on the complexity of the scene file you’re working with. To maximize performance, we recommend ensuring your graphics drivers are updated to the latest version. Additionally, you can utilize our benchmarking tool, ‘User Self Test Data,’ to compare your GPU’s performance with other users who have the same model and see their render times with producing:

  • 2k Image
  • Photo and Video
  • 1080 Video (5 seconds)

You may try to use our benchmarking tool to see if your device is performing under normal expectations.

I Test with other projects where i work with a rtx 3060 12 gb and i notice the frame drops is for another topic to frame drop on 2.1 but the times to render still be longer…
i notice its for complexity of project such a high poly model or vegetation. In viewport shows as spected.

the “FPS Booster for Complex Geometry” is on plans to improve to amd graphics?
i thinking it is the reason to render time is highest.

thank u

Hi @ronaldo81624

Could you please confirm if you have enabled Path Tracing and utilized custom GI? If so, the rendering time is likely to increase (under normal circumstances). You can disable it if you prioritize rendering speed. Additionally, the D5 Render SR Widget can be beneficial if enabled.