D5 render is closing

I try to assignment(define) grass material but ,program is closing after that.

My system:
i5 10600KF
RTX 3060

Try updating the video card :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

I did. but it still keeps closing :frowning:

I’m sorry,
You should contact one of the staf eg Oliver, who is always available but you have to contact him in Get Help

Hi! Your D5 Render closes after applying grass material, we guess that it is related to your RAM, which is insufficient for applying grass material.
To confirm with you, is the grass material for a large area of grassland? Did this issue happen to just this project or all other projects?
To check if this issue relates to RAM, you can firstly try opening an empty scene, use the plane in Library, shown as below:

and then apply the grass material to this plane and check if this issue happens again.

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