[D5 Render Challenge II] Power of Architecture, a Commercial Complex Project - KDAJ1

:star2: About the Challenge

Theme: Power of Architecture, a Commercial Complex Project
Artist: KDAJ1
Location: Shenzhen, China
Graphics Card: 2080s
Workflow: SketchUp + D5 Render
Post-processing: PR PS
Whether the model is original: some from online

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Description of the work:

“This is a commercial complex project including hotel, office, shopping mall and apartment. A place where people gather for work, life, study and entertainment. People step up from behind the screens and communicate with each other face-to-face, shortening interpersonal distance."

:earth_africa: Location of your scene: Linyi Shan Dong, China

:round_pushpin: Distance: 1737.3 million km


This very nice :heart: good work

I like the consistency in the design, there is style in these high-rise projects and it is used to transition from the vertical to the expansive ground areas, weightless like fabric draping

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