[D5 Render Challenge II] Huzhou Memories - Guo Kangjian

:star2: About the Challenge

Theme: Huzhou Memories
Artist: Guo Kangjian
Location: Shanghai, China
Graphics Card: RTX 3000
Workflow: Rhino + D5 Render
Post-processing: Photoshop
Source of assets that are not from D5 asset library: self-made

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Description of the work:

“This is my first attempt with D5 Render. I used new features in 2.2 like rain. I feel good about it because it’s quite Chinese style and since I couldn’t go out now, playing with D5 to create an atmopheric scene is fun."

:earth_africa: Location of your scene: Huzhou Zhejiang, China

:round_pushpin: Distance: 138.4 km