[D5 Render Challenge II] Flower House in my Dream - Lin Shuiche

:star2: About the Challenge

Theme: Flower House in my Dream
Artist: Lin Shuiche
Location: Xiamen, China

Graphics Card: RTX 2070
Workflow: Sketchup + D5 Render
Post-processing: Photoshop
Source of assets that are not from D5 asset library: self-made

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Description of the work:

β€œI was bored of my office life and resigned to work as a freelancer. My goal was to own a flower shop and embrace a room of blossom because they are so lively that makes me feel alive. This is the ideal life I long for, and I rendered it in D5 so that my dream doesn’t seem that distant from me."

:earth_africa: Location of your scene: In my dream
:round_pushpin: Distance: 5 years, hopefully I can get there within 5 years