D5 project size is gigantic

Hi all,

just started using D5, great software but project file sizes are huge. Even for a fairly simple scene like this one:

→ asset folder size is 600mb+. This is extreme.

D5 saves all the assets in the project folder, it would be more logical to simply link to the assets which are already in the D5 Workspace?

Also, the ‘compress’ setting does not seem to work…

Working with the latest version.


Hi @d5render8

Yes, you’re correct. File sizes will naturally increase with the use of high-definition assets. The D5 Workspace folder stores downloaded assets, and its size will grow as you add more content. You can manage this by deleting .pak files if needed. As for the .drs file, its folder/subfolder structure is designed for faster reading and we plan to optimize it in future releases.

I will be confirming the estimated file compression percentage when the feature is activated and will update you as soon as possible. Thank you.

Hi @d5render8

Regarding the “Compression” setting, Larger project has more room for compression compared to smaller file projects.


thanks for the quick reply!

So there is no option to keep assets in the D5 workspace, and only have links in the individual project files? That would be a huge difference. It comes at the cost of exchangeability, but I’d guess most users would prefer smaller project sizes.
Do you mean that the compression feature is still under development? I see the option in D5, but nothing happens to my project.


Hi @d5render8

There is a way to keep the assets without having you download them all over again. You can keep it at your Local Library but I don’t think this will lessen the file size of your folder.

The compression feature is already functioning, can you try to compare the file size when the feature is enabled and disabled? And which D5 Render Version are you currently using? It should work normally but as I have mentioned, Larger project has more room for compression compared to smaller file projects.