D5 Can't Access Local Network

Hi, so today I updated D5 to the 2.7 version and suddenly it can’t acces the local network server so it can’t open any of the projects.
It only happens with D5 after the update, my pc works fine, everything is up to date and can access that location like everyday.
If i try to open a new project it works fine too, because it doesnt need to access that local network server. (Run D5 as Admin doesn’t work)

Any chances of what the problem could be? Maybe reinstall?

I paste here the popup window that shows to me anytime i try to open any folder inside that server.


Thank You

Hi, are you overwriting the update directly? Did you change the installation path for 2.7?

I just updated with the popup window when D5 launches. None of the paths have been modified.

Hello, did you change the address of your server before the update? This popup seems to show that your server address is mapped, you can unmap it and try again.

The adress hasn’t changed in a long time. We are an architecture studio that uses that server as the main source for project storage, so we avoid modifying anything related to that haha, so summing up, its the same as yesterday, thats why i dont really understand whats happening :frowning:

Could you open this Z drive location from windows explorer?

Yes, everything in my computer can access that location, except for D5

Please use the support tool to collect a log file and send it to us (support@d5techs.com)

D5 Support Tool - Get Help / Tech Support - D5 RENDER FORUM

I have sent it right now :smiley:

Hi! We have received your file, thanks for this and we will check it.

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