D5 AI Enhancer not producing output

Hi Yes we are using the altest official 2.8 version

I have contacted our IT support and they have asked me to test using my mobile phone hotspot and it seems to work. Am i able to get the information (IP and port number etc) to allow the connection through as i think our router is blocking it.


thanks for testing, it should be an environmental issue. Can you also try to turn it on and reboot your router to see the result?

Which region are you currently in? Are all the scenarios not working? Can you also test D5 demo scenes? :face_with_monocle:

For more details about IP and port number etc, you can DM me. Thanks.

Hi, i have the same problem as well. We also using the official 2.8 version

Hi same issue Here, I’m in a office with a server , so probably the cause , which one (.exe ) should I allow (exception) to make it happen,

It compute but failed to Download the image ,


Hello guys @accounts @alek.gilot @kheng

Sorry for the issue. If you are facing this issue,

Could you please send your log file and tell us the exact time you click to start ‘Enhance’ ? (support@d5techs.com, you can refer to this post on how to collect logs: D5 Support Tool Please attach a link to this post in email. We can report to our team for further checking your enhancement tasks on the sever backend. Thanks in advance.

By the way, AI enhancements are all calculated in the cloud. If yes may I know what is your Location/Country? Does it happen at a particular time or all the time? :thinking:

I send the log , I try an another (@home ) PC close to my work and it work perfectly fine,
Paris France,
so for sure it’s the firewall at work that cause the problem or something similar.

where i can found the exe , so I can make an exeption
otherwise the AI enhancer seems very cool

Thanks for the updates. We have followed up on this via email. :pray:

So no success, it work elsewere,
but @work with this firewall SonicWall NSA 2700, the IT team cannot find what block the download of the image,
hope the next updates will fix the problem.

we even try with a phone as a router , and it work,
so the trouble is within the network of the office,

keep you in touch,


Sorry for the issue. Can you tell me your region/country as well as your network operator(wifi)?
We fixed an issue with our server yesterday so it might be related to your network environment . :pray:
I will report this issue with your log file to the team as well.


Paris France , chatou , le Vésinet. optique fiber

Your ISP is Bouygues Telecom SA

also known as ‘Bouygues Telecom Division Mobile’.

Your IP:

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Our IT team managed to analyse the input and output for the app and unblocked it so that my AI works now thankyou for the help


Hi @kheng glad to know it is resolved. if you can share the solution with us, we’d appreciate it. How did your IT team unblock it? With the IP address provided with us? :thinking:Thanks!

Yes please , that will be very helpfull, thx.

According to our IT this is the info you need to unblock in the firewall

Port: 19998
Country / Region: United States


Thank you so much for your help! Hi, @alek.gilot can you also try this and tell us the result? :pray: hope it works.

Hello @alek.gilot and @accounts

hope you are all doing well. Are you still suffering from this issue? It is related to the local firewall strategy. We can provide the relevant information(domain/IP) to your IT to unblock it in the firewall as a temporary solution, please check the private message. Thank you! :pray:

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Hi thx for the support
I send the message to the IT team ,

and It worked, perfect, fast and reliable,

thx for the support ,
awesome, !!!



Good to hear!

please solve this problem