Cars reflection looks off

Hello , I noticed recently that the car material is so shiny and the reflection is so unrealistic
it doesn’t look like a clear coat paint , its like it has a roughness map applied to it.

I hope you guys fix it asap

here are some examples

the car on the left is a car that I imported and applied custom materials to it , the one on the right is a car from the asset library

here is another shot

Look at how the cars reflect allot of white color and the reflection is making them look like they have mirror material

Hello. Are you currently using version 2.8 of the software? Are these car models of yours library models or externally imported?
BTW, you can check your roughness settings for these materials and it is recommended to give the roughness a value and not set it to 0.

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Hi. yes I’m using 2.8
all the cars are from the asset library and not imported , the only one that i imported is the one on the left in the first image and it is the only one that looks natural because i made all the materials for it
the problem is that I cant make any changes to the car materials from the assets library
so i cant change roughness for them

Thanks for more details. We will check this issue. BTW,are all your images are rendering images or some of them are preview?
Also, is it convenient for you to show us your system info?

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thanks for your fast response :heart:
both images are rendered on 4k

here are my pc specs

my 3060 is the 12GB version btw

I am very sorry for your problem. I tested the car models in the library on my computer, but it didn’t reproduce the problem. Maybe you can send us your scene file if you are willing. :pray:
You can share a link here or send your file to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

Hello there,
It’s 2025 - I didn’t had this problem before but now with the new updates I think the problem happens again. Cars are having so white reflections that they look awful and unrealistic. Any manipulation with car clearcoats doesn’t work. All assets are from library.
Here is the shot from 4k render

Hi @anna.guzniczak

I conducted some render tests on my end.

Can you perhaps provide us a comparison image of 2.9.1 vs 2.10.1? Or perhaps adjusting the environment so the sun rays won’t directly hit the car’s surface which is making that white glare.

Thank you.

Thank you for your response!
I’ve tried yesterday version 2.9 and 2.8 and everything looked the same at this scene. Well it’s wierd and now it’s interesting cause even if I use Altitude and Azimuth to change sun position and I make a tree shadow on the car it look exactly the same at this point. All car is darker, but not this point.

But when I change hdri wheather at Overcast from studio it looks better.

But you know- this is not the mood I want to use at my scene. I will have to play at Photoshop with both renders. Well :slight_smile:

While writing I’ve rendered another scene with some Exterior-Day from Studio.

I don’t know - I don’t like these reflections. They don’t look natural. Of course in the real life it will reflect but I guess you know what I mean.
Any of these pictures doesn’t look good for me. What do you think?
I think it might need some updates in the future on this topic.

Later I will do rest of my renders and I will see if it will repeat.

Hi @anna.guzniczak

Thanks for providing these images. The first image looks unnatural; the material reflecting the sun’s light seems pixelated and looks off.

If it’s possible, we would like to test this on our end by collecting your file. You may send it to and have it titled ‘Clov-Forum Car Reflection looks off’

Thank you.

I will send you this file definitely.

Yes I tried to adjust effects tab and environment. Changing Highlights Local Exposure helps but not with the brightest point, and everything looks too grey/flat. After all I work at my renders with Photoshop but. Good render is important. Like with the photo.

I’ve combined two renders with the light I wanted and Overcast and it looks good:

Hi @anna.guzniczak

Alright~ Thanks for the update on this and how you were able to adjust it.