Hey, I’m Importing animation from blender as alembic file (.abc) And Followed all the instructions in Turorial | how to export .abc file
The Animation Worked Very well with no issues But when i want to apply materials From Material Assets , since the file is imported with no material (work on this please). i just simply can’t select the material( not highlighted with the black Outline) As shown In the screenshoot below :
and when i get a material and try to apply it to the specefic part i get a popup saying “The material of the model cannot be reused” As shown in the screenshoot below :
Tried Every solution in earth but the problem persist ::::
File Link :
Pergola Animated Final1.abc - Google Drive
Blend File Link :
Pergola Raw.blend - Google Drive
D5 version : 2.8.0
as u can see i can apply material to curve shape but not white bar. check blender material to that part. and apply UVW modifier also. then try .
Hi, I downloaded it out of curiosity, I saw that it manages to select the concave part, but the rod can’t.
Here I have uploaded a tutorial where you understand the steps
maybe you have to insert the mappings from blender and import them, I noticed that textures on the concave part don’t apply well, you don’t see the texture but a deformation of the mapping, and therefore you only see the color of the texture
I know that the cloth parts are selectable if you see the title of the post its writen some parts
The Bars Have an array modifier not applied on them and i can’t apply it cuz it contain an animated variable and if i apply it the animation will broke
Anyway thanks
hi thanks for your assistance but the tutorial apply for connected geometry here it isn’t the case the rods are separeted from the cloth parts and if i join them in blender the rods will get cloth simulation
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@visualplus @riccardofortelli I have uploaded the blend file i you want to take a look thanks
Hi there sorry for the incovenience, and Thank you for providing the files that is required for testing. I will also be testing it on my end.
Hi everyone @redouaneyassineayman @visualplus @riccardofortelli , I would first like to apologize for this issue and its inconvenience. We have tested the files provided in this thread and had a similar situation/encounter. We have already reported this issue, which is more likely because the model part can’t be selected due to ‘too high model precision’. We will be fixing this in subsequent releases, and for now, you may want to reduce the model’s precision and try to import the .abc file in D5 Render. Thank you for your understanding. 
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Ciao, Grazie del tuo supporto
Hi, Thanks for your support
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Thanks I tried To don’t Apply the subdivision modifiers To the bars and it worked even not perfectely because i ned to keep trying to find a place where i can select it anyway thank you very much i appreciate your help and hope you fix the problem in future realeses
Hi, thanks for updating us. Could you provide screenshots of the results and how you did it? Perhaps other users would find this as a temporary solution~