Bug in color editor in materials and in the "user manual" description

D5 Render Version:
Graphics Card: RTX 2080TI
Driver Version: 496.13
Issue Description:
Hello everyone.
I think there is a significant error in the material editor or it is not very clearly and well described in the “User Manual”.
In the “User Manual” we read:
“In D5 Render, when there is a map in the” Base Color Map “slot, the color in the” Base Color "palette will blend with the map color, and the color blend mode is Multiply.
If you want to use the original color of the “base color map”, make sure that the “base color” palette is pure white. "

So let’s check what the texture looks like when we load it into the default “custom material”:

As you can see the texture color is ok. But base color is not pure white. It’s gray, ideally 50%. When we give it 100% white, we get something wrong:

So in the “user manual” it should say that to get the same color as the original map we should set “base color” to 50%.

The second quite important thing is when we create material without base color map. Let’s say we want a perfect white color.

This is what we get when we set the base color to 100% and 50%. Half of the range above 50% doesn’t really work.

The matter is completely fixed by loading the maps with gray color - RGB 128,128,128 to the Base Color Map.
I suspect that the program always loads the color perfectly white there, so that the base color is artificially lightened - as explained in “User Manual” by writing: Base Color "palette will blend with the map color, and the color blend mode is Multiply.

I hope that I was able to describe it quite clearly :grinning:
Best regards to the entire team.

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Hello spotlight-studio,

Thank you for your feedback. The base color and base color map do blend by multiplying, like base color*base color map=final result

What confused you is that we do not have color offsetting (color correction) for the UI, so it looks like a bug:
We will fix this in the future.

Also, “If you want to use the original color of the “base color map”, make sure that the “base color” palette is pure white.” is correct. The model you posted looks too bright because it is influenced by lights from the environment.

Have a nice day! :blush: