The brush works very well now.
One suggestion we need numbers on the slidders to utilize control on the size of the asset.
Yeap, now it happens only to the smooth mode when you render it, we are fixing it. If you find the problem still persists after switching to precise mode, please tell us, sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello! My scatter tool does not work too. D5 is up to date too.What can I do?
Hello, @i.sonmezkan
Welcome to D5 forum. I apologize for running into this issue. Is this the first time you’ve encountered this problem and are using the scatter tool? Is the issue occurring with all your files or only with a specific file? Are you opening an older version of your project or an archive project? What modeling software you are currently using and what is its version? To learn more about your current situation, could you please share more details about this problem or photos and screenshots?