Blender converter bugs

Hi D5 team,

I installed the last version of blender converter ( but it seems not to solve 2 importants issues yet:

  • It doesn’t do well to apply stacked modifiers, and especially the array one. It should be (very)good to preserve the modifier flexible workflow inside blender and not having to apply them manually before exporting.
  • When you export selected object the exporter is considering an average geometrical middle point origin, and not the general origin of the model. So when you export again addding object, the origin point can move and so does the model inside D5 when you update.

I have to say that blender built in FBX exporter has always done very good (no problem with this topics above) and I never had problem updating models and using this “gate” out from blender to D5. Maybe there’s a solution there?

Maybe you could also give some txt. file explaining the current issues like this and how to deal with them while working.

Anyway thanks for your awesome job.