Black Border From Material selection apear in render

D5 Render Version: 2.10
Graphics Card: 3060

You can see in the image the black border from material selection appears in the final render output.

Scene render with Path Tracer on (3,1,256)

You can see it in the marked areas the black box from material selection apearing when the gray stone gets in contact with other materials

Hi @christopher98schroed

Can you check if you have enabled “Outline”?

No, its not activated. For some reason the outline from when you select a material to edit, appeared in the final render

Hi @christopher98schroed

Thanks for confirming. Is it possible for you to send us your file? So we can test and troubleshoot it on our end. You may send it to and have it titled “Clov-Forum Black Border from Material Selection appear

Yes, i am sending it to you, sorry for the delay.

The steps for reproducing the bug: Start a render in path tracer mode with a material select for editing.

Additionally, some friend had the same problem occur on their scenes as well

Hi @christopher98schroed

Did you send the file? I haven’t received anything from your end right now. Let me know, thank you.

I have send it again

Hi @christopher98schroed

Thanks for providing your file. After testing, I’ve determined that the outlines are a result of the wall’s material colour being visible in the crevices where the panels are placed. Due to the small gaps, the underlying surface is showing through.

Note: Because these gaps are three-dimensional, they are factored into the light calculations. This results in shadows that emphasize the gaps, creating the visual effect of an outline.

This is the original render where i have spoted the issue. Please look where the water meets the stone. You can see the black line outlining the stone material.

In detail, you can see the black line following the contour of the stone material

Hi @christopher98schroed

Because these gaps are three-dimensional, they are factored into the light calculations. This results in shadows that emphasize the gaps, creating the visual effect of an outline. Also, path tracing also plays a factor in making these gaps darker. I made some test in your file.

There is a huge difference when PT is disabled and the material colour of the wall behind these Stone/Wood Panels is set to white. It is also important to know that when path tracing is enabled, dark areas appear significantly darker due to its more accurate simulation of light behaviour.

  • If you wish to eliminate the outline effect that was produced because of these gaps, I recommend following the first 2 images and their settings.