Archicad 27 Addon Silent Install

Hi, I cannot post in the Archicad workflow section so posting here.

I have silently installed the D5 render app using InTune however I now need to install the Archicad Sync Addon (Archicad 27 UKI R1) and cannot find any switches that work.
The installer runs with the /silent /ALLUSERS switches however it only creates an empty folder in Program Files and doesn’t add the addon to Archicad. if I run manually it does install, I think I might be missing some information to put in the /Components switch but can’t find any more information. Any help greatly appreciated.


HI @adam.burns

Were you able to read these instructions on how to silently install a Live-sync Plug-in? Please refer to the link that I have provided and proceed to follow the steps. Let me know if there are any issues. Thank you.

How to install plugins through the command line? | User Manual

Hi @clovisbolasco14,
I did not because I am not trying to install the LiveSync plugin, I just want to install the regular sync plugin for Archicad. I have tried the same command line switches with that EXE and it again did not work. I did test with the LiveSync plugin and that does install but that is not the version we need.
I have also tried running the installer silently, which creates C:\program files\D5 Sync for ARCHICAD and then copying the Addon folder from a machine that had it manually installed to the Archicad addons directory however this causes Archicad to crash on opening.
Is it possible to silently install the non-livesync version?

Hi @adam.burns

In my opinion, you should proceed with the silent installation of the D5 Live-sync plug-in. It offers the same features as the D5 Sync Plug-in, with the addition of a live sync option that has recently been incorporated. Notably, this live sync option will be the plug-in that will receive continuous support in the future.

I understand, however it’s annoying that it pops up every time Archicad is opened as the majority of our users will not need the live sync feature or the bar and will only export the file to be worked on another machine. We will see if we can disable this if we need to roll it out further but for now I think this might be simple answer.


Hi @adam.burns

To confirm, when you open ArchiCAD, does it consistently open with the D5 Toolbar positioned at the center of the window, regardless of its previous location? Thank you.