Ambient Oclussion too dark

My ambient oclussion map is too dark, any solutions?

-Ambient Oclussion in other project:

-Ambient Oclussion too dark:

D5 Render Version: 2.1
Graphics Card: GTX 1070 ti
Driver Version:
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Screenshots/Videos Description:
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Hi Humbe.
I also have a GTX 1070 card, to solve the problem I go to Effect and I adjust the intensity of the light that lightens the image.

remove the automatic and adjust it. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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Hello, if you render again will the same problem happen? I think you can turn off auto-exposure and adjust exposure higher as RICCARDO suggested :+1:


I tried to increase the exposure value and the intensity of the lights but didn’t work

I changed like 20 things and i still have the same problem :frowning:

Another solution, the more extreme one, is to put a spherical light at half height, remove the reflection and see how it goes.
But take my curiosity away, are there windows in the environment? Because if I am not there it is normal that the environment is dark, then if you use the lights with the material of your program as lights it is not good if you do not increase the power from 0.1 onwards to 0.2 … up where you want . These are suggestions for solving the problem. Then there are the D5 lights that you can use, so there are various solutions to work around the problem.
I hope this helps. :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

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