After 2.4,i cannot use align models anymore

D5 Render Version: 2.4
Graphics Card: 2070 super
Driver Version:
Issue Description: cannot align imported dr5 files anymore
Screenshots/Videos Description:
Steps to Reproduce (optional): importing a d5 file and trying to align

Hy guys

i updated d5 to 2.4 from 2.3. After the update i could use the align option to place imported dr5 files on the exact same point where it came from (base 3dsmax file), for example a imported vegetation or furnitur. But after the update, the options is greyed out. Is there a reason for this? im using the same 3dsmax converter as before, maybe thats the problem?


even using sync coordinates sends the objects to a place far away from the model.


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Hi mate, did you tried selecting more items? The Align feature needs you to select at least two objects so that they can align with each other. In previous versions it should work in the same way, maybe you need to select another object as the reference object.

Hi Oliver thanks for the answer. Yes i did select 1 objects, the base one and the one ive imported as d5 format, but the new object move to far point. Even using sync coordinates its not working, maybe because i started the project on 2.3 and updated to 2.4? or because the 0,0,0 point on my file was a little far from the model ( big masterplan?)