2.10 video editor -> movement issues
rtx 4080

In de video editor I have 2 shots, 1 is on auto smooth, the other on linear. But it doesn’t change to those adjustments. But AFTER I change it from Linear to speed in/out, it changes to linear. When I then change it to linear, it changes to speed in/out.

See video here → d5 movement issues

Hi @DeKoetsier

I tested this on my end and it seems that it is working normally. Can you please relaunch D5 Render and see if the issue persists?
Linear to Speed In and Out Movement

Funny that you say it is working normally, while it clearly isn’t in your own video. :wink:

You have selected LINEAR, but it is either moving with a ‘ease in/out’ or ‘smooth motion’, not linear.

I selected “Speed in/out” and not “Ease in/out”, of course, the shot lasts for 3 seconds (for the test you did and I did) so it won’t be obvious knowing its movement.

Linear to Speed In and Out Movement Test 2

What I mean is, at the start of your video, Linear is selected and at that moment you see the video-movement is NOT linear but smoothmotion/easing at the start and end. Please look again at your own first clip and notice this. This is the exact bug I am talking about.