My problem is in the title, this morning, enthusiastic I updated my D5 render first thing in the morning to check the new features.
First thing I have noticed, suddently after update ALL my scene are way way darker than before…
I reloaded and old version of my file to see if I had made a mistake on the settings somewhere, but no, ALL my scenes, on the both files are way darker…
So this is certainly linked to the new update.
To precise :
I didn’t turn on the new Real-time Path tracing, my scene are darker with the old normal settings.
It affect ALL the scenes of my project, which I spent countless hours to modify the setting, lighting materials etc. to have a correct illumination, and now ALL are different and way too dark compared to before.
A quick fix I found is that I am using “auto-expose” on ALL my scenes, so I can desactivate and put very very HIGH the exposure manually on all my scenes to get closer to the result I had before… But it is weird that ALL my scenes, my works, are modified by this update. In additionm of course, of being time consuming, again.
Any idea on what could cause my issue with the new update ?
I apologize for the inconvenience. Some changes in the 2.10 Version caused the light of some enclosed (dark) spaces to become darker in the new update. This is especially evident in Scene Files where Auto Exposure is enabled. (2.9 or older files opened in 2.10)
The current solution is to disable Auto-Exposure then enable it again, which you have already done.
Additionally, we don’t recommend enabling Auto Exposure since this often results in overexposed scenes; manually adjusting the parameter is better. Thank you.
Hi Clovisbolasco14, thanks for the advice, I did not explain to me why this problem happened by opening old files in D5 2.10, which were set on the automotive. So I regulated the emissive lights and also those of the program again.
So everything else works well, I also tried the function of the stars and the moon, watching the video on YouTube, who suggested how to do it. It is fantastic 'you are unsurpassed, it would be nice that these suggestions have been put on the web is forum D5 before starting the download throughout the globe, giving an advantage to users how to use the new functions.
Thanks for the whole D5 team and good work
Grazie per tutto il Team D5 e buon lavoro
I have exactly the same problem. All my scenes were set up in autoexposure. D5 2.10 have an autoexposure problem, It doesn’t react well to dark spaces. Please D5 team fix this problem ! Please have in consideration that we need to do realtime presentations of projects some times and with autoexposure broken we cannot do it properly
Hi @alejandrojose, apologies for the inconvenience. Were you able to attempt the suggestion from Clovis? Kindly turn off Auto Exposure once and enable it again. This should help restore the Auto Exposure settings their previous state. Thank you
Same problem here. Switching Auto exposure off and on again doesnt fix the problem. It goes to manual and you can adjust it to look proper, then when switched on it reverts to being dark again.
I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you send us your D5 File so we can test it on our end?
You may send it to and have it titled 'Clov-Forum Scene Darker in 2.10 (t.kostopoulos)", you may also include the forum link for navigation ease.
I apologize for the inconvenience. The recent 2.10 adjusted the sensitivity of auto exposure to accommodate the new night sky effect (to prevent overexposure), which resulted in scenes with auto exposure in the original 2.9 version becoming darker in 2.10.