Yellow contours in rendered image

the handrails are simple black rectangular tubes without round corner option.
it seems the yellow lines occur only on vertical edges.

when rendered from closer distance it looks ok.

super resolution off

Hi there!, Sorry that this is happening to you and I am here to help!

Could you please try resetting location of the model back to the origin X 0, Y 0, Z0 (See attached Screenshot). We have previously encountered model files that were far away from the origin, resulting in rendering anomalies.

If the problem still persists
Please send us your scene file via email at and dont forget to add @aryan so i could quickly pull the email up.



the model is not far from origin (26, 11952, -1310) but there are yellow lines even when i moved it to 0, 0, 0.

Hi there,

If you can, please send over the scene file via email at and dont forget to add @Aryan so that i could further check the file over at my end.


forgot to mention, i have already sent the file :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi there,

I have thoroughly checked your D5 Render Scene file and found that the effect
Chromatic Aberration causes the railings to emit the yellow contours on the railings.

Screenshot Attached is

  1. Chromatic Aberration is off Tint is on.
  2. Both Chromatic Aberration and Tint is on.
  3. Both Chromatic Aberration and Tint is off.

You may try to disable Chromatic Aberration to reduce/remove the yellow contour on the railings.

Here is a screenshot of the render without Chromatic Abberation.

If this does not resolve your issue please let me know, and you may send the 3D model to so that i could further look at what causes the problem.


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thank you! you are right, it was chromatic aberration.

were changes made to chromatic aberration in D5 2.8? because something like this never occured in previous D5 versions?