Wrong shadows.Shadows follow the model in a train

How to fix the error with the wrong shadows? When exporting a model from a blender in abc format, these shadows come out. How to fix this defect?

Can you send the model and scenes to us for troubleshooting?

I sent it to you from google mail at your address

Привет! Извини, я не увидел оповещение о запросе на файлы в почте. Доступ к файлам открыл для просмотра

Hi, I have already reported the potential bug, will tell you if there is a feedback. Sorry for the inconvenience.

To confirm, Do you mean the shadows here?

Yes, this problem is observed with all animated models exported from blender in abc format

Thanks for the feedback. We will fix it as soon as possible.

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Hi Can you also tell me the version of GPU driver? the verion of D5, Blender is also required. Thank you.

I have tried blender since version 3.1 - 3.6
D5 version 2.5.1, tried versions and below
GPU RTX 3060
GPU driver version 14.08.2023

Hi! Is there any news or feedback on the problem I described above? Should we expect to fix this bug with light in the next update?