Can anyone please tell me how to add a wood grain effect to a color. For example, I have a flat painted door and want to make it look like a painted Wood door that shows the grain detail!
Thanks, but when I add a wood grain normal map to a colour, I just can’t get The Grain to show up?
Hi there,
You might want to check the UV Parameter, especially the Stretch, try to adjust the numerical value,e and see if the grain appears.
You may also try it this way, add a Wood Texture from D5 Asset Library to your model’s surface then modify its Base Color Map. It is also possible to input a specific hex code instead of manually adjusting the parameter.
Hope this helps, thank you.
Hello Neilhallesy,
in my example I have done exactly that.
Added a wood grain to a color!
The reddish tone is not part of the wood texture
but a set color.
Or am I misunderstanding something?
In my example, on the right you can see my
parameters on the right.
I had to adjust the vertical and horizontal number.
Before I did that, the wood grain was almost imperceptible.
Many thanks to you both. Will try both options…