What is the difference LiveSync and Sync?


can someone please clarify what is the difference between these two? I don’t know which one I should download.

Thank you!

Hi! Currently, the LiveSync plugin allows for real-time sync of views between SU and D5, and any modifications you make to the model in SU will be directly and instantly syned to D5. When using the Sync plugin, the model in D5 will remain consistent with its state at the start of synchronization. After modifying the model in SU, you need to click the sync button to synchronize the changes to D5.

This two posts contain more details for the use of the plugins. Hope they can help you.
D5 LiveSync for SketchUp - Workflow / SketchUp - D5 RENDER FORUM
SketchUp Rendering with D5 | D5 Sync for SketchUp - Workflow / SketchUp - D5 RENDER FORUM

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Thank you very much!

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