I’m having an issue when rendering an animation. I get these strange reflections or bright spots on the doors and windows. Anyone?
Hi there. I am here to help, and I apologize for the inconvenience. Have you enabled the bloom effect? And have you tried adjusting these parameters:
Let me know if it minimizes the strange reflections or bright spots in the area. Thank you~
These are my settings for the metal material.
this material is having issue with bloom. if u turn off bloom that artifact will go away.
Hi @justinj1023, may I know if turning off the bloom effect or adjusting these parameters minimizes the ‘bright spots’ and ‘weird reflections’?
May I also confirm the material that you are using so I can test it on my end?
@justinj1023 @visualplus
refer this article long time back when i faced same issue.
Bloom is set to “0” in both rendering and animation.
Hi there. Would it be possible to send your d5 files to us so we can test them on our end? You can send it to support@d5techs.com, have it titled ‘Clov-Forum’, and then briefly describe the situation. Thank you so much~