Virtual Reality stability and grass rendering


I’m using D5 render with my RTX 4090 24GB (driver 560.94). I also use the virtual reality functionality and I’m generally happy and impressed! I use it a lot.

A few things though:

  1. Grass is rendered in 3D in the desktop app but as a plane in VR. Is this purely because of the extra amount of pixels being rendered in VR or is there some other limitation? It would be very nice to test 3D grass in VR even if it is a bit slow.
  2. Is it possible to render (stereoscopic) 360 images that I can send to a friend to be viewed in a VR headset? (from one point-of-view only).
  3. Generally when closing down a VR session D5 render crashes. I also use D5 render over remote desktop sometimes (and it works surprisingly well!). When re-logging in locally D5 render typically crashes though. Should I report these things with crash dumps or something or is it already known?

Thanks for a great app!

Hi there,

  1. Indeed this is currently a limitation to our VR feature due to performance considerations, clouds in the Geo and Sky and grass are not displayed in VR mode. However, plants generated by the scattering feature can be displayed.

  2. You can render in Panorama but you may need to use other software that could convert it into a 360 stereoscopic image.

  3. Are you perhaps using SteamVR? If so, SteamVR starts every time when opening D5 Render after enabling the VR beta: This is a known issue and is being fixed. It is recommended to **turn off the VR beta on the widget page after not using VR.**

    After closing Steam VR, the D5 program will also exit: due to the fact that the termination of the StreamVR program will shut down all processes using VR, and thus the D5 program will be closed. It is recommended to save the scene before closing the VR program.

Thanks for the replies!

Interesting. From purely a pixel count perspective D5 render in desktop mode (2560x1440) renders more pixels than what is needed for my Quest 1 (1440x600x2), so there must be something else then? Any chance we could get an option to turn this on and experiment with it? Just like browsers have about:config for advanced experimental parameters.

You can render in Panorama but you may need to use other software that could convert it into a 360 stereoscopic image.

Ok. Will see if I get the time to experiment with that. I guess it would be a feature request to have built-in support for high quality 360 rendered fixed VR locations.

Are you perhaps using SteamVR?
Yes, good to hear you’re working on it.

There should be options available to set the quality of rendering in the VR enviroment as this is based on the complexity of each model. Twinmotion has several options for VR quality. Each case is different. Now with DLSS 4 and 5090 the quality in VR and in preview should be increased.

Hi there,

Thank you for your suggestions @Bot5d @d5render5, especially the idea about generally improving and optimizing D5 Render using VR Devices. We appreciate you taking the time to share these with us. We’ll pass them along to our team.

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