Vine´s problem

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with vine´s, every time i close D5 and open again they change shape so i have to regenerate them every time i want to make a new render.

My workflow is that the panels the vine is growing on (vertikal ones) are separate model, so i can turn everything else off while i am placing vine´s and generating the desired shape. Also rest of the building model is put on procedural vine proof.

Is there a way to freeze desired shape to remain same after closing the program ?

1 picture wanted outcome
2 picture vine´s after reopened project

Hello. Currently this vine is regenerating every time you open the scene, so if you save and then open the scene again, the vine will be different than before. This is now a known issue. We will improve it in the future.

hi, my experience is different on this topic. i have also faced this issue. then i figure out why this is happen. i would suggest when u place vine generation on object, keep attention that is interacting with object. if that placed right and interact well. generated vein will stay same on reopen the project. with this method my all veins in projects are same as i created.
try this method and let me know result. below sample of interact.