Video Animation crashes

I am having issue while rendering Video with a Specific file only.
Every time I render, It crashes at approx. 80-95% range. No matter how large the animation is, Even if it is 10 seconds long or if 1 Minute long.

The Error Message is “Out of Video Memory”.

The scene file is not even that big!!! Only 2.7 GB.
I don’t have any issue rendering with other even larger files!
Can anyone give me some suggestion?

My Config:
Processor: Ryzen 9 5950x
Ram: 32GB
GPU: RTX 3060 12GB.
SSD: 1TB Samsung 980 Pro

hi, have u imported any complex model or any specific material u have applied to object. can u share screeshot of that image where u find crash is happening.

Hello. I used a downloaded scene from the forum to use as the BG for my model. But I had been rendering with that file previously without any issues at all. The problem seem to have appeared after I re-imported my model file a few days ago. Before, it was all good.
Although, I can use that file in any other scene without issues as well.
I am confused that’s why what is causing the issue.


hmm, so i think something wrong happen with that specific file. send that file to d5 team to check further.

Have you looked at the RAM usage when you rendered this file? Could you send us this file if it’s convenient for you? You can send me a link or email this file. (, and please describe the problem)

You can also try to clean the data of the file and then check if it works properly.

Also, the 12g of RAM does seem like it might be prone to out-of-memory issues for some of the larger scenes. But that’s still a problem if you can render other scenes, just not this one.

Let me try to clear data and retry, if it’s still the same, I’ll send you the file in mail.

Thanks for your feedback. We will check your file.