Using assets from a Scene Express (SE) project

I am totally new to D5.
I have downloaded a project from SE. The modeling was apparently done in Sketchup.
There is one “main” object with suffix “xxx-skp” that contains individual models grouped, eg chairs, floor, ceiling, tables, etc.
When selecting an individual model, eg a chair, I can edit it’s properties and materials, however I cannot save it as an asset to my local library, it appears that the asset is the grouped xxx-skp object.
Is there a way to get the individual parts separately, as assets?
Is this the way Sketchup-to-D5 works when converting? or a choice of the author to group during conversion?
The downloaded SE files include the .skp file, but I’m not familiar with Sketchup, so going there to get assets is not practical for me - besides I would want the assets with the D5 information stored to them (like materials and other settings done in D5)

I chose to downoad Scene Express project 28, but the question is more general.

Hi, mate,

You can not ungroup the original SketchUp model in D5. You have to open Sketchup and select the assets you want then sync or import them in D5. and add them to local. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Is this true for all D5 synced models? From any of the native modeling apps?
I assume the clipboard will not work to copy an individual model asset from D5 to another D5 file?

Yes, except the model itself is the asset you want like a chair, bridge…