Update for 2.7

I accidentally canceled the OTA update but could not find a way to resume or restart the update for the new 2.7, How can i manually start the update? cause i have restarted the software but didnt see any notification for me to start

If you close D5 now and reopen it, will there be an update popup? Because right now 2.7 is still in the gray-period and not fully launched. But it will online soon.

unfortunately i have closed it several times and no update popup. I thought there was another way to get the popup

We’ll be going online soon, so please be patient.

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sure. Thank you very much

Hi I just wanted to check if the new 2.7 version will be ready, when i try install it from the pop-up that shows up when i open D5, it always gets to the end at says, update failed. Should I wait longer still have you launched the update yet.

Now that 2.7 is officially online, how is your network? Is any of the encryption software/VPN/antivirus software turned on? Please try disabling them and other running software. If you switch your network, can you update successfully?