Hi guys! I am importing a .fbx file from Revit LT into D5. It seems that D5 is reading the whole file as a single object, because when I try to apply materials, it would apply the material to the entire model. It’s also not importing the materials I had already applied in Revit LT. Any ideas on how I can get around this? Thanks so much
For revit, D5 does not currently support grouped imports. But you can try to split your model into different files and sync them to D5 separately.
Thanks for the speedy reply Luna. Considering it’s a full house, that would be really tricky if I had to import item by item. Imagine all the cabinetry for the kitchen, bathroom PC items, etc.
There must be another way to get around this I reckon
Hi! I think this may help you. Revit | User Manual (d5render.com)
In large projects with multiple linked models, each linked model is automatically separated in D5 to allow you to hide/lock/delete, etc., as well as make it easy for you to move the model around the scene.
Hi Alicia1, from the Autodesk family I know Autocad and 3dMax, I know little about Revit. It looks a bit like Archicad, which I use a lot as a design program. When I import an FBX file I explode it, transforming it into an Archicad object, becoming a three-dimensional shape with its faces, so it becomes an object of the program. In this case for the mappings, which the FBX object already had, by exploding they are automatically inserted as material to be transformed with their map names. All I do is select the material with that mapping, change it with an appropriate name and insert it, this happens automatically when you select a material individually, even if it is applied elsewhere on the object, it changes it to my material. Once this is done, try to synchronize with D5, see if in this way you can have the object with the mappings that you enter.
I hope you can solve it this way.
Thanks so much Luna. I think that’s only suitable for the full Revit, I use Revit LT so I can’t install the plugin. Is that right?
Hi Riccardo, thanks so much for the reply.
Let me see if I understand correctly what you are saying. You save the archicad (in my case Revit LT) file in .fbx format and then you explode it? But where do you explode it? I was checking if I could find an option to explode it in D5 but I can’t find it.
Thanks again!
I’m sorry, you’re right. The plugin really doesn’t work with revit LT at this time. maybe you still need to use full revit or import your models into D5 separately to achieve the results you want.
Hi Alicia1.
If you import the FBX File into Revit LT it becomes a LOCKED object, that is, like the objects you have in the program, such as a chair or a table, so I don’t know if it gives you the possibility of exploding these objects as in Archicad, transforming them into three-dimensional form with its faces, and as if you would have built the object yourself. But if you can’t, then the only thing to do is import it directly onto D5 and then with the dropper you can give the textures you want, in this case you will have an object that you can manage in your project.
And advice that LunaLong also gave, which states that Revit LT does not handle it well D5, the program you use must be complete, to provide information for interfacing with others, so I recommend a complete program, which you know how to use well, there There are some free ones, the most used one that interfaces with D5 is Blender. Try this program, I’ll also give you a tutorial that explains how it works.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the info. I will see if I can export from Revit LT to Blender.
Unfortunately the full version of Revit is out of my budget, so I need to find a way to work around it.
Did you ever find a solution?
I’m in the same boat as you…trying to figure out how to get my model out of Revit LT into D5
Hey!! no I didn’t. I am going to explore if it’s possible to export from Revit to Sketchup Pro ($349 Australian/year) or Studio ($749 Australian/year), as it would still be cheaper than the full Revit license. I think D5 works with Sketchup so it could be a “cheaper” solution if the Revit-Sketchup conversion is easy.