The print screen image and rendered image looks different

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Restrating problem solved with new D5 version. But now my render result are completely over exposed while saving. what i see in realtime and render different. i tried all formats

Please check the print screen image and rendered image. it looks different.

Hello, please send us your this scene file and we will check it. You can share a link here or send your file to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

I formatted the sytem and re-installed windows and all other programmes. Now it’s working fine, only issue is when saving in EXR format (both Exrs) It’s not same as PNG. Png perfect but Exr totally a different image

Hello. What does the current exr look like? Are you currently using the latest driver? If not, try updating to the latest driver.

EXR is over bright, Now i am not touching the graphics card driver, it may give some other problems in D5 (No consistency:upside_down_face:)

Thanks for feedback! We will check this.

Hi, it is normal if the raw exr is brighter than the png.