Synchronizing d5 file coordinates with two programs at once (3dsmax/archicad)

Hi guys! I have a question. I always do the main part in Archicad; I take library elements of furniture and environment from libraries or do it myself in 3ds max. I thought that it would be easier, at least to show the visual part of the object, not to transfer objects to Archiсad from Max, but to assemble the scene in d5 render synchronizing the coordinates of these 2 programs. I tried to do this, but it didn’t work out very well. Before this I had already used some elements from the d5 library and customized the views. But when I synchronized 3ds max with d5, my object appeared to be separate from the synchronized views and d5 library objects. I rotated the object and moved it to the coordinates I needed. Now everything looks good, except for the fact that in 3ds max there is continuous synchronization of views. What I’m doing in the 3ds max window doesn’t match what d5 is showing. How to fix it?

Hi,can you tell us the version of the plug-in? For ’3ds max window doesn’t match what d5 is showing‘ ,Do all scenes or specific scenes have this issue?

And how much is the model offset? 90°?

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Hello. Initially I did the following. I made a project in archicad, placed free objects in d5, saved the archicad file in fbx format, imported it into 3ds max, then synchronized it. As a result, my object ended up separated from the d5 objects I had placed. I started moving and rotating the object at d5 itself and set it to its original position. When using the configured camera positions, some kind of camera flight through the model occurred, although this was not initially the case.


Did you use a plugin the first time you synced Archicad file to place objects in D5? Then you saved the current D5 file. Did you then export the Archicad file to fbx format and import it into D5 for synchronisation? I assume that the coordinate system of your saved D5 file is consistent with Archicad, and if you don’t want any misalignments, the coordinates of Archicad and 3dsMax should be exactly the same as well.

Undoubtedly. But even when in Max, I set the same coordinates, when I resynchronize with Archicad they change. In other words, you cannot synchronize a scene from two programs at once from just one.