Sync issue after rotating object

Hello D5 Render team,

I have noticed that when I place an object and rotate it in D5 Render, it no longer aligns with the sync view, when working with Rhino 6. Will this issue be addressed in the upcoming update? We truly need sync to function correctly in order to place scenes/views from Rhino to D5 Render. In our specific case, it is essential for certain objects to maintain their rotation to ensure that every model fits together.


Hi mate, do you mean when you rotate the objects in D5, the objects also update in Rhino? If not, can you record a simple video or screenshot it to explain more in detail? Because I have tested the other situations, it can sync correctly.

Hello Bruce,

Well, when I rotate the model in D5 Render and use the sync function in Rhino 6, it does start syncing. However, the views do not align with each other. The sync appears correct if the model is not rotated and the sync pivot is not enabled. (Also, how to undo sync pivot? - Do I have to remove the object from the D5 project and import it again?)

In this case, I have used the sync function and everyhing works as it should. (No rotation and sync Pivot not enabled)

You can see here, after I have rotated the model it does no longer sync the correct view from Rhino.

If I enable the “Sync Pivot” and rotate the model, it makes the sync even worse and it no longer has focus on the object.

Hi mate, we do not support undo sync pivot. sorry for the convenience.
If the house is separate, you can try to import the model to D5 again and do not use the “syne pivot”.

Hi Bruce, is that something you guys are planning to implement? And what about my issue with live sync and rotating the imported model?

Hi mate, can you send us the model for troubleshoting? or record a video to show the problem.We cannot repro the situation you meet sorry for that.

We will keep improving the sync performance, it will be fixed probably in the next version. sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi again Bruce, just send a video to you. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi mate, we check the video you sent, the problem happens after syncing the pivot. it’s difficult to sync the pivot after rotating the objects. we will improve that function as soon as possible.

Now we recommend syncing the pivot after changes in the model like rotating, later we will support undoing “sync the pivot”, Thank you for your feedback.