Surface Imperfections

It would improve a lot the realism if we could add an imperfection map to the materials

Would vote a hundred times for this if possible :).


It can be done by working with good maps
Base material

Surface Imperfections 01

Surface Imperfetions 02


You got this result with the roughness map right?

1 Like

yes. with a good grayscale map + Normal map


Yeah I do this too, but if we could be able to add a Imperfection map + normal + Specular + Roughness

It would increase the realism

but consider that when it comes to ARCVIZ, in 98% of cases, scenes are created with new materials, not worn. of course the imperfection that you ask for gives an even more intense realism… but in Corona (which I use together with D5) you don’t have an imperfection channel but you have various options that allow you to obtain more complex materials. This is missing now in D5, and I hope it will be implemented in the future. Today we cannot make good semi-transparent glasses, or SSS materials… these are (in my opinion) the priorities. But anyway I support your request.


Great, i think every improvment is welcome, i’m hopping D5 gets more and more closer to Corona

this is great to add. in unreal engine you can place a map for imperfection aside for the reflection or specular. hopefully the real-time render can match the unreal engine for the reflection and imperfection.

I suggest adding an aging or damage map


And I would like to be able to see UV mapping of individual maps. normal maps, specular, bump AO etc.