Student Pro

Hello! How can I reactivate my student pro version? I thought it was given for a longer period of time, but today I checked and it deactivated the pro student version.
Thank you for the help,

Miguel Avila, MX.

Hi there,

You could re-apply using this guide. D5 Education lasts for only a certain period of time. But you could always re-apply while you are a student.

Let me know if you need further help! :raised_hands:


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Hello! Already sent an email to reapply, I had to download the newest version of D5 cause the option to enroll wasn´t showing in my previous version. Thank you! Will wait for the answer via email.

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Hello Aryan! I would like to get your help to get my student pro version. I waited for a reply via email but I didn’t get any in terms of my reapplication for student version. Now, in my computer, in the D5 window its not showing the option to re apply for student version. Hope you can help me. Thank you very much.

Hi there, May i know the email that you have applied so i could check it over?

Also your application may have not been reviewed yet. Results and Email will be sent out typically after 7 working days

You may also check if the email have been sent over to your spam mail.


sure! The email I used is (my university’s email). Hope you can help me. Thank you very much.

Hi there,

Upon checking,

Your Student Proof does not meet the requirements, please refer carefully to our sample; incomplete verification info; Please provide a certificate of school enrolment or a screenshot of the personal information page in the school system for this year’s date.
