Student license activation error

Hello everyone, my name is Angelo, I’m a student and I’m in my 2nd year of high school. I’m becoming passionate about 3D drawing and I got to know D5 Render, I would like to learn it and create work for schools and for my future. I signed up to the D5 site and community and I would like to have the Educational license, but when I try to do the operation I get this screen telling me that only D5 community accounts can have this license, and mine isn’t one of these. am i wrong in something? I also say that a few hours ago I signed up to both the site and the community, also publishing a quick job of mine using the pro assets with a 5-day trial available. Thanks to those who answer me…

Fai una ricerca in alto a destra ci sono tanti argomenti di alcuni colleghi che volevono la licenza educativa, basta inserire D5 educazione e avrai delle risposte. Puoi anche contattare uno dello staf del forum come “Bruce W.” vedi se ti risponde. Di solito è veloce

Do a search at the top right there are many topics from some colleagues who wanted the educational license, just enter D5 education and you will have some answers. You can also contact one of the forum staff as ‘Bruce W.’ see if he answers you. It’s usually fast

Ah ok grazie mille Riccardo. ho cercato ma l’ultimo post è del 2022 se ho visto bene. Dal sito dicevano che sono cambiate delle cose cioè non deve più scrivere l’insegnante ma posso farlo io direttamente con documenti ect… ok magari contatto Bruce W. grazie mille sei attivo anche tu…

Per contattare veloce Bruce W. ce un’altro sito general chet ti devi iscrivere, però devi essere invitato da uno dello staf

To quickly contact Bruce W. there is another general site that you must register, but you must be invited by one of the staff

Io sono della provincia di Napoli, quindi Napoletano Doc

I am from the province of Naples, therefore Neapolitan DOC

Mi raccomando per il sito scrivi sempre in Inglese, io Uso il traduttore se pure gli altri usano altre lingue come lo spagnolo e il francese e certe volte il portogose

Please always write in English for the site, I use the translator even if the others use other languages ​​such as Spanish and French and sometimes Portuguese
:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Mio padre è di Torre Annunziata, conosci?
Per Bruce W. lo cercato e inviato un messaggio in inglese con il traduttore come hai detto.

Questo programma mi ha velocizato molto il lavoro, ho cominciato 2 anni fa, vedo che usi blender che un programmone, anche li fa immagini realistiche ma ci mette molto più tempo.

This program has speeded up my work a lot, I started 2 years ago, I see that you use blender than a large program, it also makes realistic images but it takes much longer.

Ora ti lascio al tuo lavoro da studente Buona fortuna e arrivederci al più presto

Now I’ll leave you to your student work. Good luck and see you soon

Vero Blender è molto lento per il render ecco perchè girando ho visto D5. Ok ora entro in classe grazie attendo notizie se qualcosa posso disturbarti?

Prima di andarmene io e tuo padre forse abbiamo fatto le scuole insieme o forse era tuo zio, pure io sono di Torre Annunziata, quindi mi fa piuacere conoscerti.

Before leaving, your father and I, perhaps we went to school together or perhaps he was your uncle, I’m also from Torre Annunziata, so I’m pleased to meet you.

Però se sei quello che penso io la tua famiglia aveva una falegnameria

But if you are what I think your family had a carpentry shop

Adesso ti risaluto perchè devo lavorare

Now I’ll say goodbye to you because I have to work

Prima di lasciarti, non avere problemi di solito rispondo sempre ai colleghi

Before I leave you, don’t have any problems I usually always reply to colleagues :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

mio nonno aveva una falegnameria, io lo conosciuto poco perchè è morto che io ero piccolo. Tu sei Riccardo Fortelli come leggo dal tuo account? glielo chiedo… lui ha fatto la notte quando torno ci parlo… ciao e grazie.

:smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:
Stai tranquillo è buona giornata

Don’t worry, it’s a good day

anche a te :ok_hand:

Hello! Thank you very much for your interest in D5. Currently, D5 for Education is offered to students and teachers at colleges and universities. I recommend that you may use our Community Edition, which is free. Although the Community Edition may offer fewer assets, it also has most of the features and a lot of free materials and assets. If you would like to experience Pro, we offer a few days of Pro use for new registrations, and you are more than welcome to sign up as a user. :sparkling_heart:

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So I understand that I, a high school student, can’t use the Educational Version? I’m learning 3D drawing and wanted to experiment with it in Rendering. What would the Community Edition be? do you offer me something different than this one? Can I have more resources such as materials and assets than the free version? Thank you

Hello, you can learn about the features of the community edtion from our official website (D5 Render | Real-Time Ray Tracing 3D Rendering Software). I think the main differences between the community edition and the education one are the library and the studio and some Pro plugins.

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ok but I didn’t understand one thing… Are D5 community and D5 render that I download from the official site the same version?
Then another thing: where is it written that D5 Educational is for university students? honestly the error it gives me is the one telling me that my current status is not D5 community, but perhaps it is related to the version? thanks, sorry for the questions but it’s just to understand…

Hi mate, they are the same versions without any difference. Due to the review system, only community edition accounts can apply for education edition accounts.

If you have received gifted pro duration through participating in activities, please wait until the pro duration ends and revert back to the community edition before applying for the education edition. Sorry for the inconvenience.