Stuck opening a file @99%

hi all of a sudden my file cant open …stuck at 99@% :pleading_face:

thanks in advance.

Hi, from the new information on the forum if you have a graphics card with overclocking on the CPU you need to return to normal, then check the card update.
Then if you have two schemes working together this can cause problems

no dice bro… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Hello. Which version are you using when you are stuck opening your file? Is this the only file that cannot be opened at the moment? If this is the only file that can’t be opened, you can send me this file along with its logs.
This post shows how to collect logs. D5 Support Tool - Get Help / Tech Support - D5 RENDER FORUM
You can share a link here or send your log and file to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)
If you are experiencing this issue in different scenes, try clean installing your drivers and reinstalling D5.

Have same issue here, stuck in 99%

Hello, did you encounter this problem with 2.7? If you are willing, you can share your log file with us.

:pleading_face: wish i can share. yes this is 2.7…i ended using a backup-file.
thank u.

Have you resolved your issue with a backup for now? If any abnormalities occur later on, please contact me again. We are glad to help you.

no still have not found solutiion , now the next problem are the GLASS in 2.6 all is great… now in 2.7 everthing is a mess.

Have you sent us the log files?

its here luna…thanks…have a look


Hello. Thank you for the video, we will check the glass issue. For your stuck issue, we may need to check your logs.