Sketchup not Responding / LiveSync issue

Hi team - please help. The last month I have experienced a issue with Skethup and D5.

Sketchup does not respond. This happens when I make amendments or use the paint tool while LiveSync is active. Sketchup stops working and gives me a not responding message.

I have tested the paint tool when LiveSync is deactivated then this problem does not happen.

I have downloaded the latest LiveSync and I use Sketchup 2021. This problem has not happen before.

Please help.

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Hi there,

I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. Does this occur in other files as well or is it file-specific? I have tried to modify the material in SketchUp while Livesync is activated, but it seems that the issue is not evident on my end. Please check the video recording and see if I am doing the exact steps you have.

Please let me know, thank you.

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Hi - It is not file specific. It happens on all projects. I can use the paint tool and paint or make changes. After a couple of edits Skethcup starts to ‘hang’ then it gives you the windows wheel icon. After a while it says Sk does is not responding. I have to force close Sk and open up again. I have a 4090 RTX and enough RAM and the latest LiveSync.

At the moment I have to stop LiveSync in Sk do my edits and then start LiveSync again. Repeating it while I work.

This is the first time I have encountered this in D5 and I have used D5 since the beginning.

Maybe I should install an older version of D5 LiveSync to test if this happens again?

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Hi there,

In your NVIDIA GeForce Experience Application, Can you please try to Switch from Studio Driver to Game Ready Driver and see if the issue persists?

If it does persist, you might also want to try a complete Reinstallation of the plug-in:

Hi - I have change to game ready and also deleted and re-install Livesync.

The problem still happening and Sk just stopped responding again.

Please help and advice.

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Hi there,

Im sorry to hear that.

Can you please enable your Ruby Console it can be found under Extensions > Developer > Ruby Console. After activating, please proceed to do the process where the issue persists (Activating the D5 Plug-in and then using the Paint bucket tool).

Our team suspects that this may be caused by other third-party plug-ins since you have mentioned that this has not happened before and even reinstallation does not work. Anyways, please let us know of the information that was generated in the Ruby Console, you may copy it and place it in NotePad. Thank you.

Thank you.

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Hi Team - Sorry for delay reply. I work on projects and just have to restart Sk when it stops working with D5.

I have open the Ruby Console as advised. However when the Sk stop responding I can not copy and past the text from the Ruby console. Sk is not responding and therefore I can not access anything related to Sk/plugins/ruby console.

I now find that it is not related to colour paint tool in Sk but it now happens randomly.

Please advice.

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Hi, I just bump on this topic and like to say that I’m encountering this issue too.

Working with D5, latest version of the livesync, SU 2024. Everything works very well, but, from time to time, seemingly randomly, SU freezes and I have to kill the process and reopen it.

The only workaround I found is to unable the live sync most of the time and reactivate it only when necessary.

If you find a solution to this issue, I’ll be happy to test it !

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Hi jeanthiriet - I have to unable it too as a work around in the meantime.

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Hi @WB5

Thanks for the update. That’s unfortunate since we really need to see the Ruby Console to see what was wrong. I have consulted our team regarding the situation you’re in, I think it would be best to try to update your SketchUp Version and see if this problem persist since the issue is in the SketchUp Environment.

As for @jeanthiriet, since you are using the 2024 Version, please try to switch to the classic graphic engine in sketchup.

Thanks for the advice Clovis, but the new engine is way faster than the older one on complex models, so I’ll will stick with it for now.

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I’ve also been encountering this same issue for the last few weeks.

Hi @jeanthiriet

Were you able to switch to the older engine and still experience the issue? Let me know. thank you.

Hi @pjmuller

I apologize for any inconvenience. May I know which version of SketchUp are you currently using?

I have Sk 2021 and I do not see the same Preference settings as in 2024. I only have Open GL settings tab,

Hi @WB5

Yes, SKP 2021 is using the classic graphic engine, and that suggestion was meant for @jeanthiriet, who was using the 2024 Version. Also, are you able to update your SketchUp Version? How about a reinstallation of SketchUp? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Thanks for the update. That’s unfortunate since we really need to see the Ruby Console to see what was wrong. I have consulted our team regarding the situation you’re in, I think it would be best to try to update your SketchUp Version and see if this problem persist since the issue is in the SketchUp Environment.

Hi, I have Sk 2024 too. However still need to transfer all my plugins to this version from 2021. I will test it on 2024 with D5 and see if this problem still happen.

Hi @WB5

Thanks for your update. once you have used SKP 2024, try to install D5 Livesync first before any other plug-ins. After that, you may try to follow the exact same process to test whether the issue persist. Let me know, thank you.