Sketchul Livesync

strong textHi guys, I need help.
So, I’m currently working on a file in SketchUp and D5. I closed SketchUp because it was too laggy, but when I reopened it and tried to sync the model again, it didn’t work.

I didn’t change the file name, location, or anything, but when I clicked live sync again from SketchUp, the “0.skp” model was missing.

Please help!
And if you’re wondering why I don’t just live sync a new model, it’s because that would mean I’d have to start all over the materials from scratch—literally all the materials I spent 5 hours setting up.

Hi there.I apologize for the inconvenience. The missing SketchUp file may have been caused by relocating or renaming the file. Since you mentioned that neither of these actions was taken, I suggest the following:

  • Have you tried relinking the 0.skp file again by selecting “Create a new link model”?
  • You can also check your version history and see if the 0.skp file can be seen in the earlier version of the file
    version history