
my project shutdown in 99% i tried to open it again but same problem i really need help next week i will present my work

Hi! Sorry for this.
Which version of D5 are you currently using, please let us know the exact version number.

If you are using 2.7 and above, then are you using the D5 scatter function in your scene? If so, then the scatter asset may be causing your problem, please send us your scene file and logs and we will fix it. This post shows how to collect logs. D5 Support Tool - Get Help / Tech Support - D5 RENDER FORUM
You can share a link here or send your log to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

If you didn’t use the D5 scatter feature but are still experiencing the problem. You can check if the video memory or ram usage is too high to cause the problem. We suggest to open a historical version archive and then optimise the scene. You can refer to these two posts for specific solutions.
How to view and optimize memory usage? | User Manual (
How to view and optimize graphics card usage? | User Manual (