[Scene Express Vol.282] Interior renders dark Japandi

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Artist Bio ; Yonathan Fikru, Instagram (@john_habeshawi2) , @Architechtos Digest

Graphics card: RTX 3080 TI
Workflow: 3DS MAX - D5

About the Scene

Several key design elements contribute to the overall aesthetic of the space. First, the use of natural light, likely from large windows not shown in the image, brightens the room and creates a sense of openness. Second, the placement of the furniture creates a conversation area, inviting people to relax and socialize. Finally, the incorporation of various textures, from the plush sofa to the textured rug, adds visual interest and depth to the space.

Overall, this interior render design exudes a sense of sophistication, comfort, and functionality. It could be described as belonging to the modern contemporary style.

Preview of the Scene


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Please re-upload. The links has expired. Thx!

Please re-upload. The lighting is perfect for a personal project I’m working on. Thanks