Scatter people

Is there a reason that the scatter only allows certain characters to be used?

Hello. The scatter feature does not currently support character assets, only the plant assets can be scattered for now.
We plan to support more different types of assets in the future.

hi luna… dont forget to add “MATERIALS” too… :pray:

Hello. Is it convenient to ask why you want the material to be scatterable? Can you please explain the specific usage case if it’s possible? :heart_hands:

hi Luna :sweat_smile: :smile:

yeah to achieved realism and easy to navigate mxing things… specifically for walls and mostly for ROADS/PAVEMENT where u will have more control like what we have now with “NATURE” option of the scatter function…

if SCATTER has the option for “MATeRIALS” and have all the feature similar to the “NATURE” (plant assets) then it will be a game changer…and will be really helpful for doing thngs… :fire:

adding only dirt map and decal is not really on point but it can help…but to achieve more flexibility and options the SCATTER Function will be a blast if we add “MATERIAL SCATTER” we as USER will have all the freedom to suit our needs.

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Thanks for your advice and explanation. I will convey your need to our team.

thank you Luna appreciate it… i know it sounds crazy… but this feature is for advance users…it will really help us…and boost the image of D5…and keep on par with competitors…

as u can see the image i made with D5 lacks realism for pavements/roads/etc… although we can or i can achieved it manually by modeling all the cracks and damage of the floor but it will eat more time to complete such task… so for me the best solution is the SCATTER FUNCTION… which is very helpfull if this have the “material scatter function” apart from the “plants”… :pray: :innocent: