Revit to d5 sync problem

I don’t know if I’m the only one experiencing this, I have a problem in syncing the revit model to d5. In my revit file there are only 5 townhouses and the site just a small townhouse, but then when I try to press the start D5 yes it will load but only a few building were loaded, and the most confusing part is, for example in the first reload bldg A,C and D will appear, after it’s done the building C or D will disappear and the bldg B and E will appear. And when I reload it again, alternate buildings will appear and some will disappear. Even I try to to load it many times it always happens to appear and disappear. I have options which is to export the Revit to .d5a but I don’t want to do that for it makes the .d5a file large and less efficient.

video link…

Sorry for that, what’s your version of the converter? if convenient, can you send the Revit model, scenes, and log files to us for troubleshooting? We find it difficult to reproduce the problem on our side. thanks a lot.

How to collect log files:
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Dose it mean the problem only happens to the converter instead of importing? Have you tried importing?we need this info to find whether it is caused by the converter. Thank you.

sent, I use my personal email

Yes, the problem only happens in converter, nothing is wrong in importing the model, it works perfectly. But I don’t want to import my model, because it takes time in importing model from revit.

And also this problem happen not only once, but in every townhouses I sync.

Hi mate, can we schedule a time for remote assistance?

I am experiencing the same problem Syncing Revit and D5 render.
I think there will be link between the 2 files as far as I understood and my problem here is I worked on a Revit file and started the D5file inside Revit file. Now after making some changes in the Revit file and syncing up the D5file, d5 file is opening but the model in the Revit file is not showing up.
Can anyone help me with this issue or how to import the Revit model again in the D5 file as I have done a lot of work on the D5 file with all the characters,vehicles,trees etc.

Please give me some solution for this issue. Thanks in advance.

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I am experiencing the same issue…Revit 2024 model is not visible in D5…all the camera scenes and assets, materials are there, just not the Revit model…I tried re-syncing, resaving , importing, this is a massive blow to business if cannot correct, set us back a month if cannot resolve…Any solutionsÉ

Hola, tengo el mismo problema. Cuando intento sincronizar algún cambio que he realizado en Revit, el proyecto en D5 desaparece, solo se mantienen los objetos importados desde D5.

Hi! Sorry for your problem. Please tell us the version of your revit, sync plugin and D5. Also, does your problem only occur in a specific scene? Or does this problem occur in all scenes?
You can send us your revit file and we will check it for you. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your email)

Hi D5 team,

It Happened Again.
Hope you are all doing great.

I have a problem; I am doing a render for a site with separate buildings. My colleague is working on SketchUp, and I am working on Revit. I added the building models separately in one Revit file along with the Site. So, I had done some renders on D5render and now I want to make changes in and add one more additional building in the same Revit file.

So ,what’s happening is when I added the new building model and syncing it with the same D5 file it is asking me to replace the file and when I say ok all the previous file is disappearing and showing only the Revit models and not the SketchUp files. Please let me know the solution. If anyone can help me that would be great.

Iam attaching the screen shots.

Please follow the sequence of the images with numbers.

I just need to add new building and the attachment is creating the problem.

I hope you understand the issue.

After adding all the buildings in the Revit Site Plan, I have started the d5 render sync and kept all the vehicles, trees other elements.

Then I am trying to add another building in the revit Site Plan.

So after adding the new building on the Site and I am trying to sync with the same D5 file. Its showing the concerned issue.

Hope the explanation helps to find the correct solution.

Hello, please select create a new link model. This will allow you to import both SU and revit models into your scene. Selecting replace will replace the original SU model.

Hi LunaLang,
Thankyou so much, it worked and the new model is updated on the site.

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HI D5 support team! Sorry for my bad English, hope u don’t mind
I don’t know if my case was the same as many fellow above or not, but the problems my revit cannot sync into D5, it keep loading at 45-50% and then disapear, nothing was sync into my D5 project, i’ve trying many ways to solve this, but i can’t make it
Can you guys help?

Continuing the discussion from Revit to d5 sync problem:

hello, I am having the same problem. I thought it was a project issue, but when I tired with another project, when it opened, my screen was completely blank, but when I took a scene, I could see the model. Please, how was this solved if it was solved

Hi @fortessvanity

I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you send us a video recording or perhaps you can send us your Revit File so we can test it on our end? Additionally, are these files stored in a cloud storage? If so, please put them in your local file directory first since we have yet to optimize such workflow. Thank you.

alright, below is a video showing the issue . Please check the cloud
d5 render issue (3.8 MB)

Hi @fortessvanity

Thanks for sending the video.

  • Does this issue occur in other files as well?
  • Have you tried other methods of bringing your 3d Model to D5 such as the Sync Tool?

Can you please try the following:

  • If you’re using Windows 11 turn off this option
  • If you hover over your taskbar does it display normally? If yes, are you using Windows High-contrast themes? Or are you using plugins like ‘Mica For Everyone’? Please turn them off

I did as you instructed and it working now. thank you so much for your help

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