Render quality blurry

Hi everyone, I am a new user of D5 and a big fun of it. However I do not get the expected results when completing a render. The image in my frame (1) looks nothing like the picture in the render. I rendered both with 4K and 8K and the result was exactly the same…

I have a processoe AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, 32 GB RAM and a Graphoc Card NVIDIA GEForce RTX 3070 Ti

Many thanks in advance


Hi Sarra,

The two pictures you posted do have some differences and I think this is due to the different GI strategies used and the fact that the rendered GI has more brute force bounces.Also, transparent and metallic materials such as mirrors, glass, etc. have more accurate reflection calculations in the rendered results.

In addition, I see that you have a small number of lights in your screenshot, but the scene is very bright, is auto-exposure turned on or is the exposure parameter very high? We recommend turning off auto-exposure and adjusting the exposure parameters manually (usually 0.3 or less is fine). Don’t rely too much on exposure to brighten the scene, and add some artificial light if the space is not bright enough. We will optimize the GI in version 2.4 and try to reduce the difference between the preview and the render.


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I believe Sarra is referring to the size of the final render versus the view in D5.
Sarra, if you see well in the preview in D5 you have semi-transparent dark bands that delineate the actual area of the final render. Anything you see inside the dark bands will not be rendered.
If you want to render the whole window you have to click on the “windows” item found under Aspect Ratio.


Thanks a lot both for your answer! Actually I totally missed the Auto Exposure, so yes it significantly improved!

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