Hello everyone
I am trying to get a very good result on this rendering but my out put is going to be like this(on the left) and the setup of the cloth is on the right.
the point is I also see this result (looks like painting) in the rest of the image like where there is a tile or table top etc.
FYI I set the output on 6k
my rendering setup is here.
some other images for reference:
as you can see tiles get a very weird behavior here. even the lines are not straight in the rendered image
any idea what is going on?
D5 2.8
Hi! Have you turned on SR, which speeds up rendering but may result in some loss of rendering detail?
You can turn off it in preference.

BTW, could you also show us your system info?
yeah thank you for advice
the SR widget was on, after turning it off the result is above.
much better but still some issues
maybe I increase the image size?
You can try increasing the resolution. If it doesn’t work, you can contact us again.