Reflection Problem

Hi everyone, I am not able to fix the reflection issues of the model, seems like there is some kind of reflection clipping issues, I have tried changing specular, transparency but there seems to have some issues.

The hill in the background has trees scattered but it is not reflected in the glass as seen in the windows (first image)

I tried bringing a large plane near the hill an it turns out the reflection is getting clipped or something

How do I fix this ?

Hello! Could you please tell me which version of D5 you are using now? I suggest you send your scene file to us, we will check it. You can share a link here or send it to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

I am using D5 2.6 version, please find the attached link of D5 Scene file.

Thanks for the file, we will check it.

Hi , did you guys find anything ?

Plants reflected by the material are related to the distance. Normally, plants at a distance of up to 900 metres from the surface can be reflected, and beyond that they cannot be reflected. However, in your model, background plants less than 900 metres away from the glass cannot be reflected. We are checking what is causing your problem.

Hello. For the preview, it is expected to not reflect plants 150m away and grass 50m away. For rendering videos and images this value is 900m. We will keep checking your file.

Okay. I have also tried changing the cull distance but still the trees were not visible in renders.

Is there any way, I can fix the problem ?

I think for now what you can do is perhaps get your background and plants closer to your main model.
You can also try to use the background plane.

I think there is problem with the scatter tool, I tried Placing the trees individually and I get the right reflections

Thanks for feedback! This is really helpful!

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